What 2022 has taught me pt. 4/12


Journals & Sunset
6 min readMay 2, 2022

April offered me so many lessons!!! And for the fourth time recapping each month of the year, I had been truly glad to witness my growth in how I reflect and how I live and learn from every single day. To be fair, this month’s lessons are all surprisingly aligned or related to each other. And honestly, I would love to repeat this calm and super joyful month!

Here’s what 2022 has taught me so far for April:

1. On Life without Phone:

I have this yearly routine of not opening any social media accounts during the Holy Week, and it was the most peaceful and productive time where instead of holding my phone, I used my time to do chores or read Bible chapters I need to read more.

I also observed that I don’t get easily impatient or bored and became more creative with what I can do at the moment without checking my social media.

I also had nights full of sleep. I am amazed how it strangely gave me high energy, making me extra productive and also happy!

2. On Peace of this World vs. Peace from the Lord:

I have always thought that being task-free is the same as having an uninterrupted internal peace. Indeed, I have that peace but it is of this world.

One time, I got confused if this kind of peace is helpful or it made me more conscious or anxious, especially when there is a sudden task to do or when I thought of other people’s reactions behind my back. It’s like my heart is just free from anything in this world and when something small disturbs it, I become more vulnerable and easily bothered by those “intruders” in my shield of peace. But I was reminded that it’s normal to be interrupted by the matters of this world. However, there’s a huge difference between the peace from above vs. this world.

The Holy Spirit ensures 100% peace that only Jesus offers — it’s when the world’s crying, I have that peace that He is just and will never forsake me. (John 14:27)

3. On Loss or Gain:

I got a sideline this month but the other sideline has been temporarily suspended for just two weeks.

I realized that life is always a balance and whatever happens, it’s just timely. There’s no loss and everything is just enough to supplement my needs.

Of course, I still saw that there’s so much gain. I felt the joy just thinking about how to spend my free time and I discovered that I enjoyed relaxing in our garden where I just sit and stare at the green plants, eat snacks, and feel the air — something that makes me feel like God’s embracing me through the nature.

4. On Generosity:

While I was waiting for the vet, there was a beggar who sits in front of the burger stall which was just across from me. He asked for food but as I usually do, I just ignored it. Several minutes passed and he asked for food again. I thought, “I always pray to God to provide for the poor’s needs, yet I don’t act what I pray.”

Speaking to or helping strangers may be uncomfortable sometimes, but I have instincts to trust.

I did help him the second time he asked, and when I saw him eating, I waited for his “thank you”. But as long as he felt thankful after being full, I know the Lord is happy already.

We are generous to God when we are generous to others — material, spiritual, and emotional. Pray that we hear and know that it’s time to offer or share. Nonetheless, be open to giving the food of life.

Also, always give your time not just to your family but for your service to God, even if you think you will not have the luxury of sleep.

5. On Work Ethics:

I happened to over-initiate and overlook some things at work. Of course, I was afraid of others’ disappointments. I personally accepted what I had done and it somehow lessened my overthinking.

Admit mistakes in work. Stick to the instructions and the plan.

6. On Attitude of Reliance and Gratitude:

God is happy when He sees and hears us pray or when we ask for His help.

If a friend felt nice to hear us how we pray, what more if Jesus, our real friend, receives our prayer? If our father is motivated to help when we ask for their assistance, then God, our real father, would happily give His hand too when we ask for help even on small things — strength to open a jar, courage to drive a car, power to survive the day, calmness on a busy Friday, etc.

God is glad when we’re grateful and happy for His help! :)

May He continue to inculcate in my heart the attitude of reliance and gratitude on little things just as He taught me how to learn not to gossip for the sake of “building connection”. (Lesson I learned last month and continually apply until now.)

May He also continue to strengthen my courage and delight to drive because He’s given me the skills already. Thank You for always being happy to help and guide me whenever I ask for it.

7. On Persecution:

Believers do not just suffer persecution from other people alone but also through personal struggles like sickness, temptations, etc.

But co-believers are also responsible to be instruments of healing, support, and help. In the name of faithfulness, let your body be out of the tempting or challenging situation to continually resist and overcome any types of persecutions.

Sharing is Caring!
Whenever I read the Bible, I come up with deep realizations about how people think and act in our world today. From Sirach 41, this is what I have learned:

God is both loving and jealous. When a man doesn’t acknowledge Him, then the danger is expected. Punishment is “just” for those who are sinful. He won’t open the minds of those whose minds are clouded by sin. We have a responsibility to shed the light on others but we don’t have the responsibility to force them to believe when they ask for hard evidence. The Holy Spirit shall act on it.



Journals & Sunset

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